
You, web development


Storydream is a web app that allows you to create AI generated stories customized to your liking. You can choose the genre, setting, and character of the story.


I got the idea for this project when I read bedtime stories to my daughter. First of all it got boring reading the same stories over and over again. Second of all, I wanted to create a story that was more personalized to her interests and I thought it would be fun to have an AI generate the story.

What it does

Storydream allows you to create stories with a custom character and setting. You can also choose the genre of the story and the AI will generate a story based on your choices.

How I built it

The model was built using a GPT-3 model. I fine-tuned the so it would make concisetent responses for my API.

I used Next.js as my framework and Firebase for taking care with AUTH and storage.

© Magnus Friberg.RSS